Looking Back to Look Ahead
As we face seasons where challenges press from every side, and uncertainties seem to stretch like an ocean before us, we can all benefit from taking a moment to remind ourselves how God has worked in the past.
My Christmas Prayer
I don't want to get too comfortable in His gifts. I want to remember what it feels like to be the stranger, the displaced, the longing-for-something-better.
She appears in manger scenes everywhere this time of year—Mary molded in plastic, glowing with the light from a bulb hidden deep inside. I look at the Christmas Marys and wonder—was the real Mary always that tranquil?
In the Beginning
When the heaven and earth were created, God already was. When God placed man on the earth, God already was. When Jesus, the Promised One, was born in a manger, He simply took on another form. He already was.
How could God do that? Understanding the “how” of this manifestation of “God with us” is not required. Understanding the “why” is more important.
Angel Unaware
In Hebrews 13:2, believers are commanded to not be “forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” The following account is true and no names have been changed to protect any innocent person, except for one, who proved himself to be our ”angel.”
The Greatest Gift of All
Ever since sin entered the heart of man, its roots went deep, so deep that we cannot eradicate it on our own. If you are not dealing with the root of sin, then you'll never be truly free from sin, because the roots are all still there, deep in the soil of your heart.
Three Steps Toward Thankfulness
Let’s get to work developing hearts of thankfulness to our Father, whose gifts are always good. You will find that you have more to be thankful for than you ever realized.
Shewing the Generations to Come
Ministry is never limited to just the immediate results. Its impact always goes further and lasts longer than we can see.
Daddy’s Girl
Just as children ask their daddy for things that they need, trusting that he will provide them with whatever is necessary, so we too can ask God to meet the deepest needs of our hearts.
The King’s Heart in the Lord’s Hand
As the world continues to rebel, and as all creation continues to groan for His coming, we wait patiently, enduring whatever comes, knowing that all that takes place is not indicative of a world spinning out of control, but rather a world set in perfect motion by our Creator who loves us with an everlasting love.
Saved & Sanctified
When I look back at that time in my life, it is hard to miss God at work. . . . The road has not always been easy, but He is always there. I am very thankful that this God of details is the Sovereign God that has a purpose for me and has directed my steps from my salvation until now.
Fear Not
When the Bible says, “Do not fear,” God is not telling me to just stop fearing. I can try really hard to not fear. However, it is not as if I can just put my mind to it, and all my fears will mysteriously disappear. God’s Word is also not telling me try to work harder at not fearing. The Bible is moving me to something more powerful, something greater.
Someone greater.
Heart Check-Up
Sin is like twisted, misplaced fascia. It cuts off our supply of Spirit-oxygen, which in turns atrophies our spiritual muscles. Then we become weak and ineffective, and often wonder if we are truly even saved. So why do we allow sin to remain in us?
Life Can Hurt
Life can hurt. Life can be disappointing. Life can bring hard situations. Why does a loving God allow these things to touch His children?
Friends for Good
I realize that many of you reading this blog may yearn for one friendship like I have described. Your heart may ache and cry out for one friend with whom you can share a cup of coffee. One friend who will go shopping with you. One friend who will sympathize over your ruined supper. My heart aches for you. I have been lonely, too.
Trust — Essential for Daily Living
I grew up in a Christian home and was saved at an early age. I learned Bible verses and had a strong faith. I would have said I trusted in God. However, as I look back on it, there was a lot of fretting, worry, and stress that was a part of my everyday life. So much so that it had an impact on my health. I realize now that these were all evidence of lack of truly trusting God. I still have plenty of room to grow in this area, but I am a long way from where I used to be.
Limiting God
How do you limit the limitless God of the universe? How do you limit the omnipotent miracle worker Who made the blind to see and the deaf to hear? How do you limit the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the One Who boldly proclaims that nothing is too hard for Him?
I’m sure there have been countless times that I have limited God by forcing Him into the little box of what I think is possible or preferable.
Max was a scruffy puppy with old-lady-gray hair. Mostly Cairn terrier, we thought, but since he never told us, we weren’t sure.
Lessons Learned from the Primroses
I was weeding my flower garden when I noticed the primrose patch had expanded and was without weeds. What was their secret?
Off Script
Which is more important, my physical heart or my spiritual heart?
My life is a journey, a journey with God. He’s my guide, the Author of my story. What I do in my journey is important. It reflects my knowledge of God and whether I am bringing glory to Him.