Change: How Should We Respond
Imagine you are a first-century Jew living peaceably in your small village, content with the traditions and customs which have defined your people for thousands of years. You make your daily trek to the well, while your husband, sons, father, and brothers go to Synagogue to study the Torah. You enjoy a shabbat meal with your extended family every week. Passover is the highlight of the year, when you all remember together how God saved your people out of Egypt and rescued your ancestors’ sons, while the firstborn Egyptian boys were killed in their beds.
God Never Changes
It was March 2020, and I finally had the chance. I had wondered most of my adult life if I could do it. Now I was going to find out - could I work from home? Would I be able to stay focused, get things accomplished, be productive? I didn’t change jobs, just location, the same as many of you.
Change: How Should We Respond
As a little girl, I spent a lot of time at my grandma’s house, which she kept neat, orderly, and spotless. I could easily unload the dishwasher because I knew where every dish and utensil belonged. I could run through the dining room, into the living room, and jump onto my grandpa’s lap with hardly a thought, because his chair was always in the same place. (And after work, Papa was always in his chair.) We watched Wheel of Fortune after dinner, the Cosby Show on Thursday evenings, and the nightly news at 11. The routines and schedules were clear, predictable, and comfortable.
Spending Time With Jesus
I could hear the tears in the little quivering voice.
“Mama,” she whispered through the phone, “I didn’t make it to the bathroom, and I had an accident.”
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
My daughter is the author of today's blog post. To say I am a proud mama would be an understatement. But I can't take any credit. God is the One who has saved her, grown and matured her, and helped her to know and love Him. May you be encouraged by her life lesson today!
Jesus Led Me All the Way
Thanks for joining us again, ladies! Today’s article is the sweet testimony of God’s leading and grace in the life of a willing servant, my sister-in-law, Melody. I believe you will be blessed and encouraged as you see how God led her in His perfect plan and time.
Radical Living
Recently, I was listening to a podcast discussion about how to raise children who love the Lord and serve Him. The host, a pastor’s wife, was interviewing her adult children, who are both in ministry today. It was a fantastic interview and a real encouragement to me as a parent.
God’s Providence, Part 3
It’s time for Claudia’s final post on God’s providence. Hasn’t it been encouraging and instructive? I pray that as you read her article today, you will continue meditating on the truth that God is in control. Of the big and little, important and minute. And most of all, He is working His will in and through each one of us.
Lessons From Walking a Dog
I took my dog for a walk one morning this week. It was the longest 30 minutes ever!
God’s Providence, Part 2
Join us again this morning as Mrs. Claudia Barba continues to teach us of God’s providence. These “unprecedented” days have not taken God by surprise, friends. He is working all things together for our good and His glory.
Ten Reasons to Trust God
The air grew thick and dark. Water pelted the car with such force it seemed it would break through the windows any second. Foreign objects pounded on the roof and doors, even pushing the side mirrors flat against the vehicle. The howling wind rocked the car back and forth. How much longer could they survive? It seemed that it would never end.
God’s Providence, Part 1
Welcome, ladies! Today’s blog comes from a dear servant of the Lord, Mrs. Claudia Barba. She is a godly, experienced counselor and friend. I am sure there is much she could teach us out of her own life and ministry. But what I love most about Claudia is that she continually strives to point others back to God and His Word. That’s how I knew she would be a perfect fit for our community. Read on, and listen closely to her wisdom. It is timely and appropriate for us today.
Why Christian Women
Welcome, ladies! I am truly so thankful that you have joined me here for weekly articles full of encouragement and help from God’s Word. I thought we would start this first week with some explanation. So today we will talk about the mission statement for
My Why
I’ve been a follower of Jesus since before I was a Christian. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it’s kind of true. I’ve wanted to be a missionary since I was in first grade, although I wasn’t saved until I was going into third grade. (I also wanted to be a concert pianist and have ten children. My mom says I made it about half way on each of those goals!) My natural tendency is to have compassion for people, and I saw those in foreign countries as needing something that I already had. Whether that was Jesus or just access to clean water and healthy food, I’m not sure. But I wanted to help others.