Are You For Real?
Philippians 1:10 “That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ.”
In Bible times, clay pots were an essential item for daily living. In the marketplaces, potters would sell their vessels. Not all potters could be trusted. If a pot would crack while being made, the potter would fill in the crack with a wax to hide the blemish until it was exposed to heat. A dishonest potter would display his pots in areas shaded from the hot sun. The potter could claim it as unflawed—at least until after the money was in his hand!
An honest potter was not afraid to display his pots in the sunshine! He would even put a sign out that declared his pots to be sin cere, which meant it was sun tested and flawless. His pots were genuine! In Philippians 1:10, Paul challenges us to be sincere or genuine in our faith. Artwork, food, jewelry, and plants may be acceptable as imitations, but our faith needs to be real, unquestionably genuine!
The people who daily observe us are watching to see if our faith is authentic. In the past decades, the emphasis was on outward conformity to a certain set of expectations. A person’s walk with God was analyzed only by their external appearance and carefully recited answers and not by their heart-driven love for God.
In more recent years, convenience and pleasure have taken over the church’s faith and practice. Genuine love for God and faith in God have eroded away while family time and sporting activities have replaced family discipleship and corporate worship. So, what is real, genuine faith? Although there are many characteristics of authentic faith, three foundational traits are a biblical knowledge of God, a deep love for God’s Word, and an obedient response to God’s call. These three qualities may seem commonplace but are sorely neglected in the average Christian’s life.
A vibrant faith only comes from a biblical knowledge of God. A genuine faith is confident and secure in God. The better we know God through the pages of His Word, the more readily we will rest in Him. A Scriptural understanding of God is essential for a growing, sincere faith.
In God’s Word we see that God is. He is unchanging. He is all-wise, all-knowing, all-powerful, and always present. He called Himself I AM to Moses from the burning bush. This name tells us that He is unchanging. You and I are becoming!! We change every day! But He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! On every page of His Word, He reveals and reaffirms Who He is.
Many people try to define God based on their opinion of Who He should be. Their expectation of His working is based on their unfounded ideas of His character and power. They are greatly disappointed when He fails to act like they think He should.
A person with genuine faith builds their understanding and expectations of God on the truths revealed in His Word. In the Bible, God’s power is vividly seen in what God can and will do for those who place their faith in Him. The stories of the Bible are not just exciting tales to the one striving for sincerity in their faith. The accounts are displays of the greatness and love of God. If God can and will do the miraculous, we can trust Him without reservation to work all things in our lives for our good and His glory. We can live secure in His unfailing promises! Genuine faith places complete confidence in our great and powerful God Who reveals Himself through His precious Word.
A deep love for the Word of God is essential for a genuinely strong faith. The faithful possess a ravenous hunger and insatiable thirst for God’s Word. Spending time in the Bible is not just an exercise that is scratched off the daily “To Do” list. This time should be the highlight of every day and protected from interruption or distraction. A love for the Word reflects a sincere respect for what God has declared. The thoughts of men carry no influence if they are not in direct agreement with God’s Word.
The strong in faith eagerly obey what God calls them to be and do. The Word of God is given to be obeyed. The faithful are eager to be conformed to the image of God. Only by God’s grace can anyone respond humbly and completely to His leading. Faith gives the desire and freedom to obey as He calls us to serve Him. When we realize who God is and all He has done for us, our hearts should readily respond to whatever service He calls us to. That surrender begins at salvation as we recognize our inability to save ourselves. We realize that we owe Him a debt that can never be repaid. The heart of the faithful will eagerly surrender to God’s service wherever it may lead and whatever it might be required.
Genuine faith won’t be fully obtained in this life, but what a goal to aspire to! With a daily desire to genuinely walk with the Lord, God has the freedom to do His precious work. With our motives for God’s glory and our strength through His powerful grace, we can know the joy of an intimate, genuine relationship with our Savior.
Genuine faith includes…
An intimate knowledge of the God of the Bible.
A deep love for the Word of God.
An obedient response to God’s call.
June Kimmel is a pastor’s wife, author of five books, mother of three, and grandmother of eight. She and her husband have been in ministry for over forty years. June’s greatest joy is teaching God’s Word to ladies of all ages and walks of life. She regularly speaks at ladies’ conferences and retreats, educators’ conferences, and other special events in the United States and internationally. Through their ministry—Training the Nations—June and her husband are training pastors, their wives, and Christian educators around the world.