New Year 2021

My grandpa was a big fan of Murphy’s Law, which states: “Anything that can go wrong, will.”

Sounds about right for 2020, doesn’t it? Many people feel this way. My husband and I think that the year 2020 will become a superstition, kind of like Friday the 13th.

But since everything bad happened in 2020, 2021 has to get better, right?

Well…maybe, or maybe not. As much as we would like to see a change in things for this new year, I don’t actually expect them to happen. Human nature is human nature, and the number on the calendar doesn’t change that. Fear, hate, persecution, and division will only continue.

The church will only be more persecuted and limited than ever before. Many “Christians” will leave their faith, or at least any practical out working of it, for fear of what the government will do to them.

But it’s not all bad news. God also tells us that the church will survive and the gates of hell will never prevail against it. He has promised that He will work all things together for my good and His glory, because I am His child and I love Him - and He loves me. He has promised that He will never - no, never - no, never - leave nor forsake me. I am safe in the palm of His almighty, all-powerful, eternal hand.

O believer, won’t you stay faithful to Him amidst the challenges and turmoil of our day? Won’t you commit to living in trust, rather than in fear, hopelessness, and despondency? As His Word tells us:

“I will not fear, what can man do unto me?”

“Fear not those who can destroy the body, but then can do no more…”

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What if all of these things that we perceive as bad things are actually God’s plan to bring more people to Him, and to usher in the rapture, the tribulation, the judgment, and His kingdom on earth and then in heaven forever? What if the things we fear the most are actually the things we ought to be embracing as the fulfillment of His promises and His Word?

With those thoughts in mind, I have laid out my New Year Resolutions. I trust that you might do the same.

1. Walk in love and trust, not in fear, over circumstances.

2. Draw closer to God through study of His Word and prayer every day.

3. Serve those around me with eternity in view, pointing the lost to Christ and encouraging the brethren to remain faithful to our Lord.

4. Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing.

I know that I cannot do these things alone. I need God’s help and grace everyday, and I always will. But that’s a good thing. He doesn’t want us to live apart from Him. Remember His final admonition to His disciples before His crucifixion?

“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine no more can ye, except ye abide in Me…for without Me, ye can do nothing.” (John 15:4-5)

There are a lot of changes happening in the world right now that I don’t particularly like, but we already knew that we couldn’t control everything. Right? What can we control?

Our responses.

I am choosing to live this year in faith, trusting God to meet my needs daily, in close fellowship with Him because He truly is sufficient, helping others to find comfort, peace, and joy in Him, too, and to do it all joyfully, giving Him the glory.

I trust that your New Year will be one of growth, conformity to Christ, and victory over sin. Let’s dedicate ourselves to the Lord and allow Him to accomplish His perfect will in our lives.

We’d be honored if you’d allow to be a part of that process. Thanks for reading and sharing and using the tools you find here. Please keep doing those things and checking back with us often for more of the same type of encouragement and truth.


Please Keep Your Wits About You


Christmas in War