Simple. What a word! It can mean so many different things. A simple dress, a simple ingredient, a simple formula, a simple story...I could go on, and I’m sure you could too.
It also seems that the trend to be a “minimalist” is growing more and more in recent years. With all of the craziness going on in our lives and the world around us, there’s a longing for simplicity.
I began meditating on this word last summer when a lady described her relationship with my mom as “simple.” She immediately began to apologize because she couldn’t think of a better word, to which I replied, “No, simple is a beautiful way to describe the relationship.”
Simple. My mom’s friend didn’t have to try hard and go through extravagant lengths to be my mom’s best friend. She didn’t have to be someone whom she wasn’t. Mom simply accepted her for who she was - a valued sister in Christ. She didn’t have to wonder about what mom was thinking about her and if their relationship was going to end catastrophically. It was simple.
But having a friend that accepts you unconditionally isn’t the answer to our hectic lives.
Being minimalist isn’t the answer either.
What is the answer to our chaotic lives? A simple relationship with Jesus.
You see, our relationship with God ought to be simple. Now just to be clear, I’m not saying that God is simple. He is infinitely profound - you and I will never be able to fully understand and comprehend all of who He is. Not now, not for eternity. But isn’t it amazing that this vastly profound God wants a simple relationship with you and me?
Okay, so you may be thinking, “What?! My relationship with God is anything but simple. Do you know how much I struggle to read my Bible? Do you know how hard it is for me to have a consistent prayer life? Even getting to church seems to be a constant battle. And that’s just the beginning of my list!”
May I ask that you set those thoughts aside for now and hear me out? Well, you can tune me out, but would you consider the simple relationship God presents to us in His Word? After all, His plan of salvation is simple enough that even a child can understand and be saved. Acts 16:31 says, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” In Matthew 18:1-3 we see that God wants us to come to Him with the simple, childlike faith. What is childlike faith? Simply trusting when you don’t have all the answers or facts. Taking God at His Word. We simply believe He will do what He says He will do.
God has used children to amaze me with their childlike faith many times. Once, while reading to my students, I asked the question, “Is there anything you can do that God won’t forgive you for, if you ask Him?” I wasn't ready for my student’s immediate reply. “Miss Hecker, that is the silliest question I have ever heard. Of course, God will forgive us if we ask Him!” How could she (a child!) have such complete confidence in God’s forgiveness? How can you and I have complete confidence in God’s forgiveness? We believe God. We don’t question when He says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 Jn. 1:9) He wants us to simply trust Him to supply our needs and not worry about even the necessities of life (Matt. 6:19-34). He wants me to simply come to Him in prayer about everything - not just in my pain, but also in my praise (Phil. 4:6-7, 1 Pet. 5:7, Heb. 13:5). He simply wants to bring glory to Himself through my life (Phil. 1:9-11).
And He simply wants all of my love. He’s given me all of His love (Jn. 15:13) and desires a relationship with me in return (Matt. 22:37). Giving Him all of my love may hurt at times. Not because it’s hard to love Him, but because in my flesh, I love other things more than I love Him. Jesus Himself reminds us that no one can serve two masters. We can’t love God and someone else simultaneously (Matt. 6:24).
*I have to choose to love spending time with Him in His Word over extra sleep.
*I have to choose to love Him and His plans for my day instead of my plans.
*I have to choose to love Him and respond in kindness when someone mistreats me.
*I have to choose to love Him instead of __________ (you fill in the blank).
There are many things I need to work on in life, but if I simply choose to pursue loving God and becoming like Him, all the other things in my life will line up with how He wants me to live. Loving Him more is the answer to every sin I struggle with (1 Tim. 4:7-8). I remember vividly the first time I truly understood this truth and began to apply it to my life. It was so freeing - and still is! I’m not saying that the Christian life is free of struggles and trials, but I am saying that God didn’t intend for it to be complicated. He simply wants it to be a mutual relationship where I love Him with my all, in return for all of His love that He’s given me.
So, are you tired of the chaotic life you live? Are you overwhelmed by the many areas you need to work on in your spiritual life? Let me invite you to a simple relationship with Jesus. Let me invite you to simply choose to love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength each and every day.